26 January 2010

Smoothie Goodness

So I've been trying to be better to myself (in addition to dumping the pounds from my antidepressant...) and eating breakfast has come into the mix.  Now I have NEVER been a breakfast at breakfast kind of girl.  Any other time of day, I dig it.  But I can not really eat when I get up.
But alas, breakfast is super good for you.  So I have been using my food processor (works better than my smoothie maker believe it or not!) to make smoothies.

Of course, I found a great way to do it.  Usually you have your yogurt base - vanilla or plain.  MEH.  I turned it up a notch.  I use one Yoplait yogurt cup, about a cup of fruit and milk (no certain amount, just use til it is to your desired thickness).

Today I did mixed berry yogurt, mixed berries (blackberry, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries).  Another good one?  Blueberries and the blueberry acai yogurt.  And raspberry yogurt with raspberries... The list goes on.  But it is soooo delish!

I like this b/c I can sip my smoothie through a straw and still manage to do my makeup and get ready in the morning.  Much better than trying to blend shadow over a bowl of cereal.  ;)


  1. yeah..ugh. I always feel so fucking gross in the morning and can't really stomach much food, so I love having smoothies, but I'm SOOOOOOOOO fucking lazy and almost never have enough time to actually do it. I really really want to start being more disciplined and just wake up like 15 minutes earlier to give myself time to do it.

  2. that is a good idea..except lately i can't afford that much fruit :(

  3. Frozen is the way to go for the most part. Is cheaper for the most part and doesn't go bad. I managed to get a BOGO deal at Albertson's a weeks or so ago. And even though I have made a lot of smoothies, I still have a lot left for more.
